

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Will Smith's description

Will Smith is a very famous and successful dark american actor and rapper. He's 42 years old, he is still quite young. He's very attractive because he is well built. He is tall, about 1.86 metres. He's smart, he always looks well-dressed. Ultimately, a muscular guy who is handsome and has got a gorgeous bottom, is a man with an ideal physical in every way. Will has got beautiful brown eyes and a thin beard that he looks very well. His hair is black, curly and very short. He has got an oval face, a big nose and thick lips (those features are characteristic of African Americans) and his ears are average, everything in he is in perfect harmony. He doesn't wear glasses or contact lenses, he has got a perfect vision. Sometimes, he wears a wool cap that makes him very interesting. Every garment in he, looks fantastic.

Will is very active and adventurous, he is always willing to do everything that someone propose him or he is undertaking new purposes. He's very considerate, specially with his family, he always shows his affection to his wife, Jada Smith, and their children; he likes spending his time with his great family. He is also very cheerful, friendly and extroverted, he is always smiling and trying that everybody have a great time. He is very funny and humorous too, he plays jokes or he says something amusing everytime the occasion is opportune, but he's polite, if he does something, he does it with a lot of upbringing. He is very generous, some occasions, he has given some money to help needy people who have survived from natural disasters. He is reliable, he easily gains the confidence of people, because he looks confident and responsible, and really he's so. He is sociable and lively, but he becomes serious and calm when he has to be so for some reason. Because he is very honest (he dislikes injustices), he has got all these qualities, and because he has been lucky, he is so successful in his life and his career, and everyone loves him because he's very happy and he transmits happiness.

What's more, Will Smith is loaded of money, and sometimes he is the own producer of his film. Now that we know everything of him....
Who doesn't want a guy like Will Smith?

15 comentarios:

  1. ¡¡¡Me encanta este hombre!!! ES que es IDEAL!!

  2. te copiaste de mi aunqe lo niegues!¬¬ he was mine!¬¬

  3. A mi me encanta will smith desde hace mucho!! o no te acuerdas cuando me puse a cantar la cancion del prinicpe de bell air cuando estabamos en 3º de la ESO?! ademas, yo me entere de que a ti tambien te encantaba el cuando yo lo dije en voz alta. usn!! Will isn't yours!

  4. qe ai tbn yo empece a cantarla y te dije qe a mi tbn me gustaba y qe yo tbn veia el principe de bell air y hasta escribi la letra!tss..¬¬ xq ya esta casao qe si no..

  5. Ves? pues hasta ahi yo no sabia que el te gustaba, asi que no me he podido copiar de ti en ningun momento. Will Smith 4ever!!

  6. tsss...cualqier dia me copias a la pantoja!¬¬

  7. como tu hiciste con mi bah....! no creo... nos porque cante mal la mujer si no porque a mi la copla y similares no me gustan XD

  8. el te reconozco qe te lo copie, pero me encantaa y te lo voy a seguir copiando jajjajaaajaa

  9. pues si te encanta, yo que me alegro XD otra cosa, has visto que guay?!! he puesto un reproductor de musica en mi blog!!! ^^

  10. chicas parad que hay will para todas¡¡ xDD

  11. haya will o no!! todo lo que hay de el solo lo comparto con su esposa!! jum!!
